Shared Vision Meetings
Part of our strategy involves hosting Shared Vision Meetings in communities around railway stations in the region, bringing local people together to co-create a shared vision and set of priorities for improving their communities. Asset Based Community Development is an approach that asks “what’s strong, not what’s wrong,” within communities, and seeks to enable local people to make change happen for themselves on the things they care about.
We have held three of these meetings since the launch of South West Wales Connected, in Milford Haven, Haverfordwest, Swansea, Pembroke Dock and Llanelli, each attracting 40-50 local people representing a wide range of local organisations. We have found that local people really appreciate the opportunity to talk to each other about what they want to see happen in their local areas; and that many community members have ideas and projects that they would like to work on. You can find the outcomes from each Shared Vision Meeting in the Reports section.
Next Steps
From each meeting, we emerge with a list of potential project ideas for placemaking and improving well-being, and an enthusiastic group of local people keen to take them forward. Now, our goal is to support the community in turning these ideas into workable initiatives led by local people. It has become clear that this facilitation and practical support is the “missing link” between the energy, gifts, skills and assets of community members, and change actually happening. We will continue to engage with these communities and hosting Shared Vision Meetings across each of our stations.
Project Partners